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A parametrisation method for high-order phase reduction in coupled oscillator networks with Sören von der Gracht and Bob Rink

Hypernetworks: cluster synchronisation is a higher-order effect with Sören von der Gracht and Bob Rink

Transversality in Dynamical Systems with Generalized Symmetry with Bob Rink


Invariant Synchrony and Anti-Synchrony Subspaces of Weighted Networks with Nándor Sieben and James W. Swift, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33, no. 4 (2023) (arXiv)

Chaotic behavior in diffusively coupled systems with Tiago Pereira, Fernando C. Queiroz and Dmitry Turaev, Communications in Mathematical Physics, (2023)

Emergent hypernetworks in weakly coupled oscillators with D. Eroglu, J. Espindola, I. Kiss and T. Pereira, Nature Communications, 13, no. 1 (2022) (arXiv)

Dynamical systems defined on simplicial complexes: symmetries, conjugacies, and invariant subspaces with Lee DeVille, Chaos, 32, no. 9 (2022) (arXiv)

Amplified steady state bifurcations in feedforward networks with Sören von der Gracht and Bob Rink, Nonlinearity, 35, no. 4 (2022), 2073-2120 (arXiv)

A new algorithm for computing idempotents of R-trivial monoids with Sören von der Gracht and Bob Rink, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 20, no. 12 (2021) (arXiv)

Circulant Type Formulas for the Eigenvalues of Linear Network Maps with Lee DeVille, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 610 (2021), 379–439 (arXiv)

Quiver representations and dimension reduction in dynamical systems with Sören von der Gracht and Bob Rink, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 19, no. 4 (2020), 2428–2468 (arXiv)

Generalised symmetry in network dynamics with Sören von der Gracht and Bob Rink, DSWeb Magazine, April 2020

Center manifolds of coupled cell networks with Bob Rink and Jan Sanders, SIAM Review, 61 (2019), 121–155 (arXiv)

Projection blocks in homogeneous coupled cell networks with Bob Rink and Jan Sanders, Dynamical Systems, 32, no. 1 (2017), 164–186 (arXiv)

Center manifolds of coupled cell networks with Bob Rink and Jan Sanders, SIAM J. Mathematical Analysis, 49, no. 5 (2017), 4117–4148 (arXiv)

Graph fibrations and symmetries of network dynamics with Bob Rink and Jan Sanders, J. Differential Equations, 261 (2016), 4861–4896 (arXiv)

PhD Thesis

Bifurcations in Network Dynamical Systems (VU link)

Advisors: Bob Rink, Jan Bouwe van den Berg

Obtained at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), 2018, cum laude